Friday, October 30, 2009


not all feelings are as indescribable as these

anger is easy, all frustrated have felt it
frustration is longer its harder to spell it

happy is easy, ice cream and warm noses and bosoms
its even in ice tea, and roses and blossoms

sadness is harder, it seeps in through the cracks
its the feeling of hollow and following lack

there's other types of feelings all mixed up inbetween
slap-happy anger and laughter that's mean

there's tears of joy and the sarcastic cackle of tiffs
exasperation of tickles and hopeful, inquiring sniffs

but then like the samples on a paint-color matcher
there are hues between hues, the colors poets are after

the feeling that senior prom has just ended
or when your friends or your parents abandon you

the feeling the first time everything is revealed
as the grotesque absurdity, organic life

not all feelings are as indescribable as these
crushing snails under bare feet
licking up bodily fluids

theres other types of feelings all mixed up inbetween


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